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Loomis, Sayles & Company

Global Fixed Income

For decades, our goal has been to deliver consistent and competitive risk-adjusted returns to our clients.



US economy showing cracks; how long can the tight spread environment last?

10 JULY 2024  |   Global Fixed Income Team

Scott Service shares his thoughts on the US Economy, and the potential for future interest rate cuts. 

Global Fixed Income Team Insights

Below are the recent market outlook and insights published by the members of the team.



Global Fixed Income Outlook & Strategy

JULY 2024 Global Fixed Income Team

The Loomis Sayles Global Fixed Income Team publishes a monthly market outlook & strategy to offer perspectives on the market's movements.



Quarterly Market Outlook

JULY 2024 |  Global Bond Fixed Income Team

Learn more about the team’s current views, insights, and forecasts for global markets; including sector-specific outlook, key risks and anticipated strategies.


Will an ECB Cut be the Catalyst That Moves Currency Markets?

JUNE 2024 |  Hank Lynch, CFA, Marianne Winkelman

Hank Lynch and Marianne Winkelman share their thoughts on a potential ECB rate cut and the implications for currency markets. 



Analyzing Biodiversity in
Global Fixed Income Portfolios

DECEMBER 2023 Heather Ridill, CFA

Biodiversity is an emerging, and increasingly important, issue for managers to consider in investment management.

Read on for analytical tools and biodiversity investment factors in global bond management.  



Biodiversity: The Nature of Investing

AUGUST 2023 |  Heather Ridill, CFA

The evolution of analyzing biodiversity implications for countries or corporations is in its early days. So where does that leave global bond investors?

Read on for key considerations in such an undertaking.


Why Loomis Sayles Global Fixed Income?

Click through to explore our investment process and philosophy. 


Driven by Fundamental Research

We believe fundamental research is a key to unlocking value. But it is just the beginning. Valuation and technical considerations are critical to the overall assessment of any opportunity in our view.

Therefore we leverage our strengths in Loomis Sayles’ extensive, leading research and sector team expertise to identify compelling ideas.

Carry Advantage

We believe relative outperformance can be harvested via a variety of investment strategies that build in yield potential over the benchmark.

Therefore we seek a diversified carry advantage in a variety of spread, treasury and currency markets supported by research depth and breadth.


We believe in dynamically flexing active risks – proactively and defensively – when appropriate, to help capture available risk premiums across global fixed income markets.

Therefore we seek to minimize a portfolio's  outsized drawdown risk of any single investment strategy, while positioning for potential outperformance during volatile markets.

Security Selection Driven by World-class Research

Everything begins with deep, proprietary fundamental research. We leverage Loomis Sayles’ well-known credit, securitized, macro, sovereign, and quantitative research resources to better understand market opportunities and risks.

Diversified & Disciplined 

To seek to outperform global fixed income benchmarks, we leverage our experience and investment skill to help drive appropriate risk-adjusted positioning in credit, currencies, and yield curves across a broad variety of sectors and countries.


We are patient, disciplined investors who are committed to finding value when markets present it. Drawing upon decades of experience, we are comfortable flexing our risk exposure seeking to outperform when markets offer potential value while minimizing risk to  portfolios during periods of volatility.

Global Fixed Income Team



Global Bond Portfolio Established


Assets Under Management

As of 6/30/2024


Institutional Accounts & Commingled Vehicles

as of 6/30/2024

Meet the Team

Collegial Culture. Methodical Approach.


Meet the Team

Collegial Culture. Methodical Approach.

David Rolley, CFA

Co-Head, Portfolio Manager


Lynda Schweitzer, CFA

Co-Head, Portfolio Manager


Scott Service, CFA

Co-Head, Portfolio Manager


Hank Lynch, CFA

Global Strategist


Heather Ridill, CFA

Portfolio Manager, Global Credit Strategist


Ryan MacKay

Global Credit Strategist


Raffaello Distefano, CFA

Investment Director


Kevin Creeden, CFA

Investment Director


Karl Davis

Senior Risk Analyst


Gary Mahler

Portfolio Construction Strategist


Matthew Murray

Investment Analyst


Nadia Son

Investment Associate


Paul Malaguti, CFA

Product Management Analyst

Our strengths are rooted in decades of honing our research and investment processes to consistently navigate ever-changing global markets. We believe our disciplined and repeatable approach can lead to rational risk budgeting and investment decisions with the goal of generating attractive risk-adjusted return potential for our investors.

Our Strategies

Global Aggregate Bond in USD (High Yield Eligible)

Inception 12/31/1986

The Global Aggregate Bond in USD (High Yield Eligible) strategy seeks to outperform the Bloomberg Global Aggregate Index

  • Benchmark: Bloomberg Global Aggregate Index

Global Credit/Corporate GBP Hedged

Inception 2/1/2007

The Global Credit/Corporate GBP Hedged strategy seeks to outperform the Bloomberg Global Aggregate Credit Hedged to GBP Index

  • Benchmark: Bloomberg Global Aggregate Credit Index

Global Credit/Corporate in

Inception 1/31/2009

The Global Credit/Corporate in USD strategy seeks to outperform the Bloomberg Global Aggregate Credit Index

  • Benchmark: Bloomberg Global Aggregate Credit Index

Global Debt Unconstrained in USD

Inception 7/1/1996

The Global Debt Unconstrained in USD Strategy seeks to identify undervalued securities and create diversified portfolios with high conviction global fixed income insights and favorable risk return parameters

  • Benchmark: Bloomberg Global Aggregate Index

Global World Bond in USD (High Yield Eligible)

Inception 12/31/1986

The Global World Bond in USD (High Yield Eligible) strategy seeks to outperform the FTSE World Government Bond Index

  • Benchmark: FTSE World Government Bond Index
Want to learn more about Global Fixed Income?

Get in touch.

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This marketing communication is provided for informational purposes only and should not be construed as investment advice. Investment decisions should consider the individual circumstances of the particular investor. Any opinions or forecasts contained herein, reflect the subjective judgments and assumptions of the authors only, and do not necessarily reflect the views of Loomis, Sayles & Company, L.P. Investment recommendations may be inconsistent with these opinions. There is no assurance that developments will transpire as forecasted and actual results will be different. Information, including that obtained from outside sources, is believed to be correct, but we cannot guarantee its accuracy. This information is subject to change at any time without notice.

Indices are unmanaged and do not incur fees. It is not possible to invest directly in an index.

Commodity, interest and derivative trading involves substantial risk of loss. This is not an offer of, or a solicitation of an offer for, any investment strategy or product. Any investment that has the possibility for profits also has the possibility of losses.

Diversification does not ensure a profit or guarantee against a loss.

Any investment that has the possibility for profits also has the possibility of losses, including the loss of principal.

There is no guarantee that the investment objective will be realized or that the strategy will generate positive or excess return.
