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Who We Are

 Emerging Markets Blended Debt Team

Why Emerging Markets Debt Blended Total Return?


Firm-Wide Emerging Markets Debt (EMD) Expertise & Assets

Firm-wide Loomis Sayles manages +$19B in Emerging Market Debt assets

Underpinned by a deep commitment to fundamental, research-driven credit analysis leveraging Loomis Sayles’ 90+ years history in sovereign and corporate credit research (70+ analysts).

A Focused Approach to Total Return EMD

A tactical approach to EMD investing, focused on optimizing exposures across external sovereign, local sovereign and corporate debt markets (including frontier).

The investment team does not manage any other emerging market debt strategies, bringing a singular focus to this product.

A Highly Differentiated Investment Process

Incorporating a proprietary top-down regime identification framework that helps drive asset allocation.

The strategy is dynamically managed across region, quality and industry; quantitative and fundamental research methods support every investment decision.

Our Philosophy

We believe blended emerging market debt allocations can allow for differentiated return streams with typically lower volatility than single asset class emerging market exposures, helping to improve risk-adjusted return potential over a full market cycle.

At a Glance

  • We access the broad opportunity set of liquid emerging market debt, comprising of over 80 countries and over 2,000 instruments debt
  • Our expansive opportunity set allows the maximum scope that helps to generate attractive returns and also protect capital
  • We believe active asset allocation is critical to seeking alpha

Meet the Team

Collegial Culture. Methodical Approach.


Andrea DiCenso

Co-Portfolio Manager


Peter Yanulis

Co-Portfolio Manager


Gregory Hadjian, CFA

Senior Sovereign Analyst


Meredith Pallone

Senior Credit Research Analyst


Hassan Malik, CFA

Senior Sovereign Analyst


Steven Hoppe

Senior Fixed Income Trader


Adrian Saw, CFA

 Director of EM Asia Trading


Chris Frisoli

Senior Trader


Tian Qiu

Investment Analyst

Emerging Markets Blended Debt Total Return

Monthly Strategy Update

This monthly review is intended to provide timely insight on recent performance, a current view of exposures, EM Credit & FX regime signals, and an outlook from the investment team.



Our Strategy

Emerging Markets Debt Blended Total Return

Strategy Inception  3/1/2017


The Emerging Markets Debt Blended Total Return strategy seeks to maximize return potential by investing in what we consider to be attractive issuers in external sovereign, local sovereign and corporate debt markets based on top-down regime analysis

  • Primary Benchmark: 33.33% JPM CEMBI, 33.33% JPM GBI-EM, 33.33% JPM EMI
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Let's Connect.

Roger Ackerman

Investment Director

Alex Thompson

Investment Director

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Topography Line Work_grey-02-01


This marketing communication is provided for informational purposes only and should not be construed as investment advice. Investment decisions should consider the individual circumstances of the particular investor. Any opinions or forecasts contained herein, reflect the subjective judgments and assumptions of the authors only, and do not necessarily reflect the views of Loomis, Sayles & Company, L.P. Investment recommendations may be inconsistent with these opinions. There is no assurance that developments will transpire as forecasted and actual results will be different. Information, including that obtained from outside sources, is believed to be correct, but we cannot guarantee its accuracy. This information is subject to change at any time without notice.

Commodities, interest, and derivative trading involve substantial risk of loss.

Any investment that has the possibility for profits also has the possibility of losses. 

Diversification does not ensure a profit or guarantee against a loss.

Market conditions are extremely fluid and change frequently.

Past performance is no guarantee of, and not necessarily indicative of, future results.  
